Case Study: eazy
What is eazy?
It’s easy to overlook everyday essentials that deserve our full attention. eazy is a task management mobile app I co-designed as part of a group project during UC Berkeley’s UX/UI Bootcamp. The app is thoughtfully designed to help users stay organized with daily chores, track their moods, and support personal growth. By transforming routine tasks into engaging experiences, eazy enhances productivity while making daily activities more enjoyable and rewarding.
Initial User Interviews
Before designing the app, interviews were conducted to understand why users would potentially have problems with keeping up with their everyday chores. What was found was the following:
Users are overwhelmed with never ending daily chores, ranging from doing the dishes, taking out the trash, vacuuming, etc.
Users have a hard time remembering a task because they are too busy with their job
Users can at times lack the motivation needed to keep themselves up to date with their daily necessities
User Insight Statement
Through user research, we discovered that individuals often face difficulties in managing their tasks and maintaining organizational habits. They expressed an interest in wanting to find a way to stay motivated to continue to do their daily tasks and chores. By addressing this user need, we can enhance the user experience by alleviating the stress and cognitive load associated with task management and boosting their sense of accomplishment, ultimately promoting better mental well-being and improved productivity.
Problem Statement
Users who lack time, energy, or motivation often struggle to keep up with daily routines and tasks. This can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. By providing users with a way to stay up to date with their tasks in a motivating way, we can help them improve their productivity and overall well-being.
User Persona
Prioritization Matrix
While there are many functions that were thought of while developing eazy, prioritization was placed on task tracking, mood tracking, and gamification in order to avoid scope creep.
Prioritization Graph
User Flow
The main flow that was developed for eazy is as follows:
Daily task completion
Progress tracking in the garden
Mood tracking for daily experiences and plans
The Garden
Boost productivity in The Garden!
The Garden is a gamified feature designed to keep users motivated as they complete their tasks and chores. Each completed task allows users to grow and nurture their virtual garden, unlocking new types of foliage and watching their garden flourish over time. By blending productivity with an engaging and rewarding experience, The Garden encourages users to stay on top of their daily activities while making the process enjoyable and fun.
Low Fidelity Wireframes
Before moving on to the high fidelity prototype, user testing was conducted to make sure the UI was easy to understand. While many iterations were made, one highlight from the testing was the change of layout to the mood tracker screen.
Example: Mood Tracker
Original UI Layout
When switching between the different modes on the mood tracker, the original icons were displayed on a wheel. After conducting user testing, users found the navigation confusing and frustrating to understand.
Updated Layout
In the high fidelity iteration, the UI was designed to be more simple as easily readable at the bottom of the screen.
eazy Style Guide
High Fidelity Wireframes
eazy Prototype Demo
Finding the motivation to complete everyday chores can be a challenge for many. My group and I set out to create a solution that not only reminded people to stay on top of their tasks but also inspired them to stay motivated while doing so.
Like any project, there was ample opportunity to improve, iterate, and refine the design principles to make the app more intuitive and user-friendly. As the final group project of my UC Berkeley UX/UI Bootcamp, we worked hard to stay focused and avoid letting scope creep derail our progress. In the end, we delivered a project we are proud of, showcasing our ability to balance creativity with practical execution.
Ty Cueva 2024