Design is an unwavering passion of mine, spanning the realms of graphic, game, and UX/UI design. I stand poised and eager to embark on transformative journeys that will allow me to create works for others and for myself.

UX/UI Work

PolyHQ is a 3D model discovery website designed to help 3D modelers, artists, and creatives explore and save a wide array of different 3D art and models to be used for mood boarding or their own 3D related projects.


eazy is a task management mobile app designed to help users stay organized, monitor their moods, and foster personal growth. By transforming daily chores into an engaging and enjoyable experience, eazy empowers users to be more productive while making everyday tasks feel rewarding.


Recipeace is a low fidelity mobile cooking app designed to help people find recipes for meals that meet their specific dietary needs.
